Quit Viagras
and use this natural approach because Viagras don’t cure premature ejaculation on the long run. You are only opening yourself to various health risk.
Let me explain one major side effect of continuous use of Viagra.
Stroke and Heart Attack
Short-term serious side effects of Viagra are strokes and heart attacks. When you use Viagra or any of those blue pills continuously its causes stroke. This is because Viagra causes a strong flow of blood to your man-hood so as to force an erection.
This of course would affect the blood pressure of your body system.
Vascular side effects are seen in long term users of Viagra, such as, cerebrovascular hemorrhage and Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA). Cardiomyopathy (enlarged heart), arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), and heart palpitations have been reported.
Psychological Dependency
Long-term Viagra use can increase the potential to develop psychological dependency.
An article published on, dated April 2004, in the Anchorage Daily News, cited that men who do not have erectile dysfunction problems are taking the drug for recreational purposes and are at risk for developing psychological dependency for the medication.
Now Before I talk about this Herbs That is Helping Men Like You Cure Weak Erection and Last up to 30 mins on Bed.
Lets talk about what causes weak erection and quick ejaculation.
When a man suffers from sexual problems like – Weak erections, premature ejaculation, Low sexual energy etc, these problems are USUALLY SYMPTOMS of the 3 types of Jedi-jedi that is listed below.
But instead of treating the Jedi-Jedi (which is the root cause), most people ignorantly focus on treating the problem itself (E.g weak erections) which is why their situation keeps deteriorating.
It is like patching a hole in a car tyre. The hole is still there, only hidden and will get worse over time, eventually creating a much bigger hole that can no longer be patched.
From my research and experience, there are 3 main types of Jedi-jedi that cripples the ability of a man to perform as a man in bed.
These 3 Jedi-jedi Types are:
(1) Excess sugar and other poisons killing your liver and kidney.
(2) Poor blood flow within your body – due to blocked arteries and blood vessels
(3) Low production of the hormone Testosterone which is responsible for your manly behaviors.
Most people only focus on treating Number 1 alone which is not enough especially when you are over 30.
The reality is this:
As a man (especially if you are past 30), you will be affected by at least two of these Jedi-jedi types and if you don’t treat it on an ongoing basis, it is going to cripple your sex life.
So, how do you treat them?
Natural herbal supplement is the way to go, the problem is there are a lot of fake useless substance out there in the market. Knowing the real effective ones becomes an issue.
Having tested several of them, A friend introduce me to this particular one called Libiron herbal capsule.
The unique part is that it contains Ginseng.
According to a research published by the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology; proofs that 80 percent of Men who took Ginseng to treat erectile dysfunction saw a massive improvement.
Let me introduce you to this 100 percent natural Herbal solution that cures the root cause of weak erection and increase stamina on bed, helping you to last
I suffered from Premature ejaculation for Years and couldn’t even find a good solution no matter how Hard I tried until I found Help with Libiron Herbal Capsule.
Click here to Order Yours Today
• This Herbal Solution is NAFDAC Approved, meaning you have no fear of running into trouble when using it.
• Works for men of all ages, no matter how long you’ve had the problem
• It reverses the condition and repairs your body system so that you can start last as long as you want in bed (even when you stop using it)
• This is the same solution that helped me, and as at today, more than 1,000 men have been transformed by using it too.
• And most of all it has no Side-effects as it’s an all-Natural
So If you have been having problem satisfying your lady in the other room, then worry less cause this same solution that helped wipe shame from my face is all you need too.
By using the This Natural Therapy,
• Your sex life will be restored to that point where you will always leave any woman satisfied at the end of it.
• You will get better, bolder and stronger erections which will last for over 45 minutes of action. (You can even go 1 hour on second round if you wish)
• Your Libido will be restored to an all-time normal and your confidence restored.
• And you will say bye-bye to embarrassing sex!
So if you are a man with a small rod and low libido issues, breathe a sigh of relieve as a solution is finally here. Get rock solid erections and drive any woman crazy with this one time solution that has personally worked for me and over 1000 Men alike!
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