Chevron builds digitalized library for Abia school

 UMUAHIA—AS part of its corporate social responsibility and contribution to national development, Star Deepwater Petroleum Limited, a Chevron Oil company, has built a multimillion naira digitalized science laboratory for Ibeku High School, Umuahia, Abia State.
Built in conjunction with all the companies in the Agbami field, the laboratory is part of the resolve of the Agbami Parties “to improve the availability and affordability of quality education in Nigeria.”

According to the oil firms, the science laboratory is expected to have a huge impact on the students because it will provide them with up-to-date science laboratory equipment for undertaking experiments and for writing their examinations.
Handing over the digitalized laboratory building block to the Abia State Government, Mr. Sam Otuonye of Chevron urged the students and school management “to efficiently manage the science laboratory, to fully optimize the laboratory and ensure its sustainability for the benefit of the people,” and expressed happiness that their intervention in various sectors have continued to benefit the nation in many ways.
Otuonye recalled that the Agbami Parties have also implemented other projects in Abia State in the education and health sectors, including the provision of a fully equipped Chest Clinic built at the Abia State Specialist Hospital and Diagnostic Centre, Amachara, Umuahia. He also disclosed that 1,067 Abia indigenes have benefited from Agbami Medical and Engineering Professional Scholarship since 2009 while another set of 119 indigenes benefited from the NNPC/CNL JV scholarships between 2014 and 2016.
Receiving the project, the deputy governor of Abia State, Chief Ude Oko Chukwu commended Chevron and others for the gesture and assured that the Government would provide security to ensure the safety of the building and equipments.


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